Road trip tip 2: Don’t research your stops beforehand

Road trip tip 2: Don’t research your stops beforehand. Before embarking on any road trip make sure your car is mechanically sound. If you need any car spares or any other road tripping odds and ends, speak to Randburg Midas and we will have you enjoying your road trip in no time #Roadtripping Click the link to read more.

Ahh expectation, the grand crippler of many a road tripper’s happiness. On a road trip, your schedule has extra room, so you can afford to enter a new city with no prior knowledge of what you’ll find. Being relatively clueless has benefits: When you don’t know what to expect at a stop, you can’t possibly be let down by what you discover. And when you’re not bee-lining for the city’s most-visited tourist locales, you leave the door wide open for weird little discoveries… of the city’s true gems.

For more information on our impressive range of car care products and more, please contact us | (011) 789-4411 | | 191 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg.

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