Packing Padkos for your Road Trip, is the perfect South African treat #NutsandBolts4Breakfast #Roadtripping

We’ve all been on the road, stopped at one of those places that promises good food, pies, times, bought our padkos and hit the road only to discover once again that what we’ve bought tastes terrible. My solution is to make my own padkos before I leave home.

Stuffed Vetkoek

Vetkoek have been on South African kitchen table and cooked in the outdoors since Ma and Pa fell off the wagon. I use them for padkos, but also love them piping-hot, cut in half and smeared with butter and a sprinkle of sugar. If you’re away from home and forget this recipe just make simple bread dough, it works just as well. Stuffed vetkoek are lekker padkos, make them on the road, or the night before. You decide!


250 g of cake flour
10ml baking powder
15ml sugar
2ml salt
2 eggs, beaten
125ml water
Oil for frying – I use canola it’s healthier

For the Filling:

6 boiled eggs, shelled.
Slices of thin cooked boerewors.


Sieve the flour and baking powder together, then add the sugar. Mix the beaten eggs with the water and add the salt. Add this mixture to the dry ingredients and knead until you have smooth dough.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a pan. The oil must be hot, but not smoking. If you want to make normal vetkoek, drop in a ball of dough and fry until golden brown on all sides. Drain and eat.

If you want to make stuffed vetkoek, it’s the same procedure except wrap the egg and piece of or sausage in dough then deep-fry. It’s as simple as that.

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