Motul Insect Remover to remove insect splatter on your motorbike

Use Motul Insect Remover to remove insect splatter on your motorbike and you will be back on the road in a show and shine condition in no time. To learn more about this amazing Motul product watch this short clip #RandburgMidas.

Each part of the motorcycle needs specific care. Launched in 2011, Motul® MC Care™ line has been developed to fully maintain and care for the motorcycle. External CareMotul® MC CareTM E7 Insect Remover, removes splattered insects and organic residues (bird droppings) on bubble screens, fairings, paint

Motul offer full range of motorcycle care and maintenance products that are available at Randburg Midas. For more information on our impressive range of motorcycle products and more, please contact us | (011) 789-4411 | | 191 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg.

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