Learn three great and super easy campfire recipes from Heather Menicucci #NutsandBolts4Breakfast #Roadtripping

I love cooking, and although when I’m camping I don’t have access to things like lamb shoulder, duck, or bacon, all that good stuff that requires refrigeration, it’s still super fun to cook when you’re camping. These are just some easy recipes that’ll make you feel like you’re a good campfire chef and really will be super simple to make.

Recipes 1

The first is something that college kids all know, and it’s what I call lazy noodles. It’s just taking ramen, throwing out the spice packet, and making your own kind of pasta dish with the ramen. They’re really easy to carry. They’re really easy to make when you’re camping. They just require a little bit of hot water, and then you can chop up some broccoli, chop up some onions, and throw a little soy sauce in. If you brought peanut butter you can even make peanut noodles with some hot sauce and it will taste like you’re having sesame peanut noodles around the camp fire. Everyone will be impressed.

Recipes 2

Another thing that I like to make and that makes me feel like I’m somehow connected to ancient campers is bannock. Bannock is a native American staple. It’s just flour, baking soda, oil, water, and salt. What I do is mix all the dry stuff and put it in a Ziploc bag before I go. Then I just mix a little water with it when I’m on site. Bannock can be fried up in oil. It can also be wrapped once you mix it all together and knead it up a little bit. You can also wrap it around a stick and bake it in the fire. It’s a really fun thing to do. Kids really like it. Again, it just feels like you’re connected to ancient campers when you make a recipe like that. It’s an ancient recipe.

Recipes 3

Another thing that I really like, because I hate smores, is bananas stuffed with chocolate. So you can take a whole banana. Don’t peel it. Just slice it length wise, tuck little bits of chocolate inside, wrap the whole thing in aluminum foil, and place it in the coals of the fire, not really in the flame but just in the warm part on the bottom just for a minute or two. Then eat the banana and chocolate out with a spoon. It’s awesome.

Source: www.youtube.com

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