Biltong will be eaten this Rugby World Cup Season

With the 2015 Rugby World Cup starting, you can be sure that biltong will be eaten by us South Africans all over the world. Learn how to make your own biltong with these tips #NutsandBolts4Breakfast

What you need:

an electric fan
a light
1 kg meat-many different meats can be used -if you do not have access to ostrich, game etc then try a cut of beef like eye of the round or flank(my favourite)
some vinegar
less than a table spoon of course salt (or Kosher salt)
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of coriander (whole)(get it at a bulk food store)
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Just to be extra square you also need a good knife, fridge, electricity, scissors, a couple of bowls, some nails or hooks, a hammer and someone to make fun of you for trying to maintain your South African heritage. A couple other ingredients that I have never used but you may wish to use are bicarbonate of soda (apparently to prevent mold setting in) and saltpetre which acts as a preservative and gives the biltong a bright red colour.


  • Wash the meat.
  • Cut the meat at an angle with the grain into about one inch strips.
  • Sprinkle vinegar over the meat
  • Place the coriander in a bag and lightly crush the whole coriander so that the effect of the coriander will be greater.
  • Make the “biltong mix” by combining the course salt, brown sugar, coriander, black pepper.
  • Dip the meat into the “biltong mix” until all the mix is used up.
  • Place the meat in a tray for a few hours, or overnight, in the fridge.
  • After a few hours dump any blood that has seeped out of the meat.
  • Dip the biltong quickly into a water/vinegar mixture to remove surface salt.
  • Hang the biltong by making a very small incision through the slice of meat with a knife about an inch from the end of the meat.
  • Cut the string into about 10 inch strips which are placed through the meat and tied to form a loop.
  • Hang the biltong in a place not to far from an electrical outlet by taking the loop of string and place it on the hook or nail or hangar or whatever device you have created to suspend the meat.
  • To dry the meat turn on the light(regular light bulb) and the fan and leave for about 4-7 days depending on humidity, temperature and taste.

Serves 1 hungry South African

Randburg Midas doesnt sell Biltong, but we are more than happy to try yours!


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