Wynn’s Petrol Injector Cleaner

Wynn’s Petrol Injector Cleaner is a fantastic additive to keep your car’s motor running smoothly #MidasLiquids

Randburg Midas stock Wynn’s Petrol Injector Cleaner and other Wynn’s products.

  • Reduces exhaust smoke caused by incomplete fuel combustion
  • Removes injector pestle deposits restoring fuel flow and optimum fuel atomisation
  • Improves fuel economy and overall engine performance

Designed to dissolve high temperature petrol deposits on the injector pintle, keeping injectors clean and lubricated. Removes water from the fuel system, restores efficient fuel delivery and is safe to use with all fuel system components including high pressure direct injection, Catalytic converters and O2/ lambda sensors. Use as directed every 5000 km’s to maintain best performance. 375ml treats up to 70 litres Petrol.

For more information on our impressive range of car care products and more, please contact us www.midasrandburg.co.za | (011) 789-4411 | marco@midasrandburg.co.za | 191 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg.

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Source: http://www.wynns.co.za/Catalogue%202015.pdf

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4 Responses

  1. Good Afternoon

    Can you please confirm that you stock Wynn’s Catalytic Converter and Sensor Cleaner. If so, do you have in stock and what is the price.

    Thank you

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