Wynn’s Cleen Green is the perfect product to remove any touch grit or dirt #MidasLiquids

Randburg Midas stock Wynn’s products along with many others. We have a product to meet your every need.

Wynn’s Cleen Green – This highly concentrated cleaning agent is suitable for most applications. It penetrates and lifts oil and grease stains.  WYNN’S CLEEN GREEN – is biodegradable and contains no amonia.  Dilute as directed for specific applications use.

Source: www.wynns.co.za

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5 Responses

  1. Good Afternoon

    Please email me a quotation on Wynns Cleen green 2liters quantity 3

    1. Hi there,

      Your query has been forwarded to our sales team, who will be in touch via email shortly!

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