A ceramic tile cutter is not the manliest tool, but that will all change when anyone sees you picking up a ceramic tile and cutting it like a boss #Powertools

Randburg Midas have the perfect tools for every DIY project, and if we don’t have it we will get it for you!

A ceramic tile cutter is a hand-powered tool for making straight cuts on glazed ceramic tile. It includes a base with a slight rise down its centerline, supports at each end of the base that hold one or two rigid rails and a scriber with a breaking bar and scoring wheel that slides along the rails. It also has a fixed fence and adjustable try square that holds tile in place for cutting. A tile cutter makes quick work of cutting tiles to fit borders and edges.

  • Mark the tile with the marker where you want to cut it. Place the tile against the cutter’s fence with the glazed side facing upward. Line up the cut mark on the tile with the raised center line of the base. Adjust the try square to hold the tile in alignment for cutting. In most cases, the try square is held in place by thumbscrews or wingnuts. If cutting multiple tiles to the same size, leave the try square in place until all tiles have been cut.
  • Lightly oil the cutting wheel of the scriber. Set the scriber’s cutting wheel on the tile edge closest to you. Push the scriber away from you down the rails until you come to the end of the rails, putting mild downward pressure on the scriber handle as you push. Make one firm push to score the surface of the tile. Don’t pull the scriber back toward you.
  • Position the breaker bar at the far end of the tile. Normally, when you complete the scoring stroke, the breaker bar on the back of the scriber will automatically be in the correct position. Press down firmly on the scriber handle to snap the tile in half along the scored line.

For more information contact us. www.midasrandburg.co.za | (011) 789-4411 | marco@midasrandburg.co.za | 191 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg.

Source: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/use-ceramic-tile-cutters-25512.html

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