Let’s face it, life is too short not to stop and enjoy the moment from time to time. That’s exactly why we celebrate “Be late for something day” every year on the 5th of September!

Learn about Be Late For Something Day

Are you one of those people who’s incredibly punctual? Are you enslaved to the clock and counting every minute? Do you consider letting yourself have one moment of leisure when you’re supposed to be somewhere something tantamount to a grievous sin? What’s wrong with you? You don’t need to be on time everywhere you go, you need to stop and smell the roses once in a while and realize it’s all just one long rush to the grave if you don’t take some time for yourself. Be Late For Something Day reminds us that sometimes, just sometimes, it’s ok to let things slide and not quite be on time.

History of Be Late For Something Day

There are some people who are just exceptional at putting things off and showing up late, and while normally we consider such behaviour to be rude and entirely unacceptable, especially as a habit, Be Late For Something Day was established by the Procrastinators’ Club of America to tell us otherwise. Every day of our lives we are taught to follow rules and stick to schedules and not keep anybody waiting, but really, when has being kept waiting really hurt anyone? Never! That’s when, and in fact, there have been important business connections have only managed to be formed because someone was late, and met when they otherwise wouldn’t.

The stress of sticking exactly to a schedule has been shown to be detrimental to the health and well-being of people, especially when failing to do so causes people stress. Know why it causes stress? Because people are worried about sticking to a schedule and cause themselves to get stressed out if they don’t. Slow down, enjoy the world you live in, and give yourself a break when you might not otherwise.

How to celebrate Be Late For Something Day

Well, we spelt that out pretty clearly already, didn’t we? Take some time for yourself and allow yourself to be late for something. Good news is, since you’re planning it, you can make sure it’s not going to be something truly detrimental. See a small shop on your way to your destination that catches your fancy? Stop in and see what they have. Enjoying a conversation with someone at the bus stop and your bus comes along? Let it go, there’ll be another. Rushing to get to work on time? Slow down, drive safe, enjoy your morning commute and don’t let it stress you out. Be Late For Something Day is all about taking it easy and enjoying life rather than rushing around from check-point to check-point.

PLEASE NOTE: All products and prices only apply to Randburg Midas (191 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg)

For more information:

Call or WhatsApp between 8am – 5pm weekdays only (082) 569-1394 | (011) 789-4411 / 011 036-0200 | marco@midasrandburg.co.za | 191 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg.

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Source: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/be-late-for-something-day/

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